Best College Dating Sites
College dating sites are for college students looking for a little fun and maybe a new start with a long-term relationship. College is that time of life filled with friendships, long classes, sleepless nights, and lots of fun. Sure there’s the occasional romance too. But many college students find that dating becomes difficult when the places to meet are limited, and life becomes an endless void where studying is the main objective. Not to mention that some college students have dated their class or college mates, only to find that things have become awkward once they have broken things off. To save themselves from such awkwardness or to find someone to spend their college days with, students are going for college dating using the various dating apps that cater to college students or have a large user base of college students.
College daters are looking for everything between true love, fun, and hookups from dating apps. Everyone wants different things, but all they want is a partner to spend their time with them. College dating apps are myriad and encompass pretty much all the possible dating apps in the market. Whether it is Tinder or OkCupid, college students are on all of it. After all, you have to spread your net wide to get all the matches possible.
College dating apps are free to register to and navigate. They offer a wide range of flexibility when it comes to using them. Some college dating apps offer free features like messaging, some matches, and such. But do keep in mind that these sites aren’t fully functional for free. You will have to pay money and subscribe to one of their plans to use all the site features.
College is a great time of a student’s life. It is the time where most students are out of their homes and get a taste of adult life. They want to grow, spread their wings, and get to know more people at this time. But of course, there’s also the vast course load and constant thought about the future. So dating in college is a mix of hookups and having fun.
If you, too, want to enjoy dating in college, then first sign up on the college dating app you like. Do try to find out about that app’s reputation because some college dating sites are for people who want to find their soul-mates, whereas others are for hookups. Pick the one you want and go with it. After that, you will have to sign up for it. Before paying anything, have a look around the college dating site and check out some reviews about it. It will allow you to make an informed decision. Or you can also discard all this information and jump in to see how it all goes!
Do note that college dating apps aren’t classified as made-for-college-dating-students or such. Generally, some dating sites are used by many young people, which then brands it as a dating site or app that can be used by college-going students. Through word of mouth, such a dating app’s popularity increases, and college students flock to it to find dates. Do note that college dating sites don’t just include heterosexual dating sites, but dating sites that cater to LGBT folks who are college-going students.
College dating, as well as college dating sites, have always been trendy. Such sites have the main concentration of people from 18-24 years when most people are in college and find themselves. It is when people like to experiment the most and see which people they meet. Whether it is discovering oneself or discovering the kind of partner they want, college dating sites are generally the place and time when it’s all done.
Studies have shown that anywhere from 60% to 90% of college students are on dating apps. Here are some standard stats about college dating:
College students are generally on those apps which have a reputation of being used for hookups with the rare chance of getting into a long term relationship. Know that sometimes college dating sites are used to meet new people around the campus so that they don’t go in blind in a new area. Freshers generally do this and knowing some people there already minimizes the anxiety of going to a new college campus.
Here are some advantages of college dating:
College dating sites are generally trendy among young people. If you want to know which dating site all your friends are flocking to for dating in college, then ask them. Just bring it up in a conversation. Or maybe you could keep track of the popular social media apps to know what dating sites most people are using. But if you want to know which college dating sites are used by most people worldwide, then keep on reading.
If you want to choose the best college dating app or site, then read on below:
When choosing the best dating site or best dating apps for college students, Tinder or OkCupid will be used. These sites have a vast user base and come with plenty of free features attractive to college-goers. Not to mention that it is easy to sign up on such sites.
The average college student doesn’t have the money or time to sign up for all the college dating apps. So they are looking for one which will give them what they are looking for on the website. If you are looking for that one website that will satisfy you, then read one below and have your pick:
Yes, it does. College dating does work, and so do college dating sites. But how it works out for you depends on what you are looking for and what kind of website you are using. But do note that every time you fix a date and hope that you will meet your future partner or maybe someone to have a great time with, that person might not show up. Getting stood up is a prevalent thing on dates fixed through dating apps. But you must go back into the pool and find something which matches your rhythm.
As with any dating site, college dating sites are also bound to have fake accounts and scammers looking to dupe you. But the profiles are significantly less and often get discovered very fast, especially by college students who are smart and can spot a scam from a mile away. Generally, college dating sites do have genuine profiles of people who are looking to have fun and get to meet new people.
College dating sites are very secure. The people in charge of maintaining the sites ensure that the location, user name, or personal and financial details don’t get leaked. But if you are not sure or still have doubts, you should read up on the app you are signing up for. Besides this, these dating sites also employ the best-in-class servers, firewalls, and online security specialists who look after the safety of user’s data and make sure that it remains confidential.
Overall, college dating sites are great places to meet people, look for casual hookups, or even look for a long term relationship. Your mileage may vary, but you will find many apps that will cater to your interests. Such sites are generally free to use, and even if you have to pay to get more features, the amount won’t burn your pockets. The best part is that these college dating sites are easy to navigate and flexible too. LGBT college students also won’t be starved for connections, as there are many LGBT inclusive college dating sites. With such college dating sites, you will meet the people you want and enjoy your college days.
Gender Ratio
54% | 46%
Popular Age
25 - 45
Gender Ratio
60% | 40%
Popular Age
25 - 45
Gender Ratio
45% | 55%
Popular Age
25 - 45
Gender Ratio
38% | 62%
Popular Age
25 - 45